Anyway, here are some of my recent acquisitions. A lot of rustic goodness in there, don't you agree. I have always had a weakness for that quality in my beads. I seem to not be able to resist when a bead artist put them out on offer. Side drilled beads are another weakness of mine. If they are gemstones I am even happier, but they are not so easy to come across, so whenever I see them I hit the "buy now" button. And lately I have also found myself buying a number of different things in that wonderful cornflower blue color. That copper leaf chain is just adorable too. Rustic and carved and natural as in the two different kinds of wooden beads just have a plain irresistible power on me.
Most of these things have not arrived yet. Guess if I am longing. I am particularly happy to only in the past week have discovered the shop EarthButterStudio. It's run by a lady in South Africa who makes the beads in a kind of collaboration with women living in rural areas. You can read more about it on her blog and the website. Her name is Desiree Malan, and she is a very lovely lady.

Two ceramic large (huge) flower bead caps - RoundRabbit
Set of yellow raku houses - Jubilee
Set of yellow and green rustic ceramic beads - EarthButterStudio
Copper leaf chain - ValerVal
Set of ceramic beads in earthy blue colors - EarthButterStudio
Two different kinds of carved wooden beads - KanduBeads
Cornflower blue facetted czech rondelles - LimaBeads
Pale Pink Kunzite Pebbles Side Drilled - LimaBeads
All my best,