Hi there, it's been a long brake since I last posted here.
But now I'm back.
And today with two new bracelets.

Art Beads:
But now I'm back.
And today with two new bracelets.

Art Beads:
Three teracotta clay beads with matte glazing in pale blue - Nadia Terra
Other ingredient:
Large brown and ivory chunky resin beads
Boat shaped flat brown wooden bead
Knotted on pale blue and pale brown doubled Irish waxed linen cord
Antique silver coloured double circle clasp
Art Bead:
It's a Love Story, copper and resin link - Jade Scott
Other ingredient:
Leopardskin Jasper faceted oval nuggets
Knotted on brown doubled Irish waxed linen cord
Ball magnetic clasp
All my best,
Other ingredient:
Leopardskin Jasper faceted oval nuggets
Knotted on brown doubled Irish waxed linen cord
Ball magnetic clasp
All my best,
The bracelet is really looking attractive.
Vanuatu gold rings
Tahitian Pearl rings
Freshwater pearl ring
Tusk rings
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