
Saturday 14 April 2012

Breaking my blog silence

Hi there,
So, I've been awfully quiet here on my blog for a couple of weeks. There is really no reason at all for it. I am fine. Life goes on as usual, and so on. I simply haven't felt I have anything to blog about. I'm sure it happens to us all at times. My aim is to post here on my blog at least once a week, and hopefully more often. And now I haven't.

So I just thought I'd share with you some wonderful things I've bought over the last period. All of them apart from a couple have already arrived. However, none of them have yet ended up in a piece I have completed (apart from a bit of that Rayon Gimp which I used in a bracelet). Semi-finished yes, but not fully. And some of them will have to wait a little longer before I decide what I will do with them.

Please note that scale between each item is not correct

The suppliers are, from top left:

Lisa Peters (I got two of those lovelies)
GuldPaddan (they are super tiny)

HumbleBeads (I got two eggs)

All my best,


Alice said...

Hello Malin,

Sometimes we just have nothing to say on our blogs, and it's best not to force it.

I love all your new purchases and can't wait to see what you make with these goodies.

Have a wonderful day.

Angel Whisperer said...

Lite av varje att pyssla med där!
mumsiga grejor
vad är det från happy mango? nån slags snäckskal??
ser fina ut
ha det så gott i den mysko vår vi har..

H.T. said...

Nice to hear from You again:-)
The supplies You present here are very interesting structures and colors.I think,thy are going to be used in fine pieces by You.

Rebecca said...

Hello! Good to see you back :-) love your supplies - when you lay them all out like that, you can really tell they are yours. I will look forward to what comes of them!

Patti Vanderbloemen said...

You buy the coolest beads! Can't wait to see what you create!