I love to have a large and rich stash of beads and supplements to pick from. The one-holed button by Tracee Dock of ClassicElements and ClassicBeads has such a wonderful colour scheme. And I want to pick up its nuances in the parts around it. The yellowish tint in the ring around the hole was a difficult one. But look at that deer leather ribbon. Smooth and kind of matte in it's structure and so perfect in its colour. It doesn't show too well in this photograph though. The softness is needed with all the chain. I love how the colours and different parts are coming together in this necklace. And the clasp will be a new solution kind of experiment by me. I hope it will work out the way I intend it to. We'll see tomorrow when I will hopefully assemble it all.

There are quite a few art beads there, aren't it. So which art bead makers beads can you identify on my table today? Most correct answers will win something! Write a comment with the names and which beads you mean, and if you are not yet a follower, please become one. Drawing on Friday 21.00 Swedish time (that is 15.00 US eastern time), when I will present the winner and the prize.
All my best, and now I'm off to see Sherlock Holmes with Mark, my husband. The one with Robert Downing Jr, which he rented on DVD today.
I am so glad that my table looks right at home with all these BTW, even though I forget it is Wednesday until too late!
I think that I see Diane Hawkey, Humblebeads, MACarroll, Chinook, Tracee Dock and Round Rabbit.
Love the new piece you are working on. I have not made anything in several weeks. Dry spell and sickness are really keeping me from it. Thanks for sharing!
Enjoy the day!
Well, Erin has wiped the floor with me - I only spotted Humblebeads and Diane Hawkey! What wonderful colours you are working with at the moment - I love the pale blues and greens - very spring-ish! I did also spot a Fusion Beads tape measure - do I get a bonus point for that?!
Erin - 4 correct answers, 2 incorrect
Rebecca - 2 correct answers plus a bonus point for that tape measure thing ;-)
So ... should I give Erin minus points for her wrong answers? Maybe I should, otherwise people could just list all art bead makers the could come to think of. Tricky. I guess I didn't think this through too much ... But on the other hand one of Erin's suggestions is a new acquaintance to me. One I am very happy about. So that gives her also a bonus point. Hence at the moment it is a draw.
hm...svårt att säga så mycket när man kan läsa vad de andra skrivit ...tycker jag ser något Nan har gjort utöver vad som skrivits o kanske en av mina??....men detta blir ju inte rättvist..hur skall du trassla dig ur den här *fniss* KRAM xoxo !
I don't know Bitgitta. I guess I was acting before I was thinking on this one ... The funny thing is that I remember seeing others doing the same thing, and thinking "this doesn't really work, does it". I'll come up with something though. Unfortunately for you, your points at the moment are -2, so ... Still looks like a draw between Erin and Rebecca. I think I have an idea what they will win.
(På svenska stavas det gustav olof david ivar sixten och lars adam kalle richard ivar tomas sixten. De har inte samma sorts i sina länder. Eller ska jag skicka sixten niklas urban sixten. Ah, det får bli båda, det blir kul.)
I am struggling with the assembling of that necklace. I get stuck on little details. Did some last night. No, not happy with that. Have to take that particular part apart and redo it. And the night before I made and took apart another detail. Working with silver thread too, coz I want to oxidize the wirewrapping. Oh my I just waste material ... But I just can't give up on that necklace. Got so many positive comments on flickr.
OMG I LOVE your table. I would feel so at home there!
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