Some of you might know that I am in hospital since Thursday. I've been treated for a MS relapse with Cortison-Steroids. It is not a serious or bad relapse, I have not lost any major functions like my ability to walk or so, but still it needed treatment. The treatment itself can make you feel bad, and yesterday was not a good day for me, and I was very down and low. I wasn't prepared that I would have to stay here for
so long, for several days, so that also got me down a bit on an emotional level. Today I feel a bit better again, and it looks like I will be able to come home tomorrow. Everyone, please
keep your fingers crossed for me.
I just wanted to share with you that I am still able to do a little beadwork here and there whilst here. This is a type of rings I have made a few of over the last few weeks, in different color constellations. Peyote Stitch with 11/0 Delicas. So I thought I'd continue making a few more whilst in hospital, it was easy enough to pack my bag with the bits before I left home. These two are rather wide.
When I get back home I plan to gather all the rings I made over the last few weeks, in this series, and take a group photo for you.
So, as a conclusion for now, things are looking brighter for the nearest future. I'll keep you posted as good as I can. :-)
All my best and lots of love,
Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better today Malin and hope you do get to go home tomorrow. Those rings are sweet - I'm hopeless with seed beads - far too ham fisted...I 'd probably end up with them all in the bed!
Take care.
I love that you took beads to the hospital with you! And I'm glad you're feeling better :)
P.S. It's your turn in Word Feud!
I sure hope you are out of there soon! And feeling much better. Those rings are fantastic - such beautiful colors (I love working with tiny beads too - a great mediative thing to relax your brain and let the time pass...). Feel better soon! Lots of positive thoughts coming your way from across the ocean!
Glad you are feeling better and it is a less serious relapse! I feel for you that your treatments are so unpleasant though. My mom is asthmatic and has had to use steroids from time to time for attacks and they saved her life, but it was not a gentle process! Hope you are able to get off them soon and go home. Your blog looks FABULOUS, by the way. Love your new banner and new look!
Keep your head up Malin we are all here for you to vent! XOXO (((HUGS)))
I'm sorry to hear you are in the hospital. It's wonderful that you are able to get a little jewelry making done while you're there. I hope you are back at home in no time!
Looking forward to seeing all those rings!
Yay! Beading is always a feel better event ~ Wishing you home soon and up and running with the wind!
Sending wishes for health and a speedy return home.
Malin, I'm so sorry to hear you have had a relapse, even a little one. I hope they are looking after you well and that you recover from it so soon. MS really sucks. You are in my thoughts. Glad you managed to take in your beads - these things make a difference to how we feel when we have to be in hospital, at least, they do for me. Lots of love x x x
I am sorry to hear you had a relapse. I hope you are able to go home soon and are feeling better :-)
Oh Malin, wishing you a speedy recovery, and keeping my fingers crossed for you. I'm glad you've been able to bead whilst in hospital, at least you can whittle the time away doing something you love.
I had no idea you had MS. My aunt has it so I did some research to learn more. I am sorry you have to go through all that. <3 Feel better soon!
You have such a positive amazes me! One of my best friends has MS and I have seen her struggle with this horrible disease for over 10 years now. I wish for you a speedy recovery and hope that a remission comes soon for you! Take care, and I am sending you prayers!
Glad to hear the hospital visit and treatment is nearly done and you are heading back to comfort and love in your own home. Great you took the beads...the rings look wonderful....such precise work would drive me crazy!! You are an inspiration, Malin!
I wish you a speedy recovery, and I can not think of a better way to while away the long and boring hours of a hospital stay then to bead. Those rings are very pretty.
I hope you get better soon. I know what it's like to be in hospital and also how ill health can get you down. Keeping fingers crossed for you that all will be well and you'll be home soon.
I hope you get to go home tomorrow and that you will feel all better!
Tråkigt att det inte är den vanliga behandlingen utan xtra!!! Du är verkligen fantastisk som oftast håller humöret uppe!! Skönt att du snart får komma hem xxxxxxx
I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better and I will definitely keep my fingers crossed for you to get home. I'm glad you had your beads to keep you company .. such cheery colors.
Hospitals are NOT FUN! So glad you're able to do a little bead work while there. And glad you're feeling better. ♥
Malin, No doubt about it -- MS is a bitch. I'm so sorry you have it and so sorry you had to go to the hospital. All your friends in the blogosphere are pulling for you to feel better soon and that the MS goes into remission and stays there! Big hugs to you!
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