Can't help looking at a lot of christmas tree ornaments lately. It is not like we lack any in our house really, but you know ... These Bird Cage Cushions by Olive on Etsy, are just too sweet. I am very fond of all her things.

Nancy Schindler of Round Rabbit and the RabbitMuse blog makes wonderful porcelein pieces to use in jewellery. I love the ones with many wholes in them, but I seem to always miss out on her selling sessions in her BigCartel Shop. Bummer ... I don't have any of her things yet, but soon maybe. You can buy her jewellery in her Etsy shop.
Peppercorns in a real quail egg filled with resin. Pendant by Yolk on Etsy. Pretty!

Oh, and these earrings by Heather Powers of HumbleBeads I just love.

Almost a year ago I saw this photo on a blog somewhere. I think it was someone who had been on a weekend course in this house. I just thought it was a marvellous looking building, very odd and different. So I saved the photo in my inspiration photos folder that I keep on my computer. Now I would just like to know where this is. Anyone who knows?
That quail egg pendant is wild! I've never seen anything like it! And I would love to know about that manor house, too -- it's exactly the sort of thing I love!
Was SO nice talking to you on the phone today!
Hi Malin! Wow isnt that house unusual and pretty! It has to be in Europe tho right? Nice ornaments! I wished Id bought a pendant from Round Rabbits last sale. But I think they were one of a kind shucks. Nancy makes nice things. Heathers earrings are lovely dosent she have a nice touch. I too ordered from her "Plumbing" sale! Pretty happy to do that what a real bargin those prices. I ordered the Sparrow focal, a birch log and some lime beads. Cant wait to get them! Hopefully the sales will of helped her alot.
Malin is it cold where you are I think it is?!! It is warm today. Please cold weather come here!
Janet, I ordered that pendant from Nancy and some more things. But I would like some more and other things from her in the future. Guess I have to sit by the computer the whole day next time. And Heather - oh dear I ordered the lime spacers too, and the antoinette ones plus two lentils. Olive spacers, two different owl's, two squirrels, and a harvest pendant. Hm. Already have a birch log and some birds, no sparrow though. And I forgot a gnome, would have been nice to hang in the tree.
The weather here now is unusually cold for November, with snow already. It doesn't stay on the ground for long, but new snow keeps coming, only a thin layer though. Right now it is snowing actually.
I am not one to complain about the weather most of the time. A lot of people do. But I don't like it when people always have something negative to say, however it is. So boring and ... I don't know how to explain ... so helpless, down, depressive ... such a general negative outlook on life and living and nature. Why? I wonder. I like most weathers to be honest. It is nature, and what we are living with, it is beautiful however it is I think. What if there wasn't any weather at all? Is that what they mean? I guess I just don't get it. It is only when it is too hot I don't like it, coz it effects my MS badly. So I stay in the shade, or wear cooling elements. I don't sit there complaining constantly.
Oh, I guess I am a bit moody right now. Bumped into one of my neighbours on the pathway outside our house just now and I said something friendly to her, as you do (at least that is what I think), she replied with a "stab" on me, about something in our garden. So I got a bit upset and just walked away, she tried to cover her mistake up and tried to keep conversing in a "nice" manner. I couldn't be bothered. I have supported her when people have been picking on her bright blue awfully painted fence, and her uncut grass and so on. She has been crying to me. Now she just jumps on me from nowhere with a very sharp comment. Some people are just like that. What applies to others doesn't apply to them. I am still upset with her.
Good thing there are SOME sensible people in the world.
(what does oxo mean?)
Malin you made me Smile and chuckle! Arent people something?! She must be a depressed person. Dont let it get you down think about good and honorable and lovely things and beads lol!
You have alot of Heathers things! Im so spent out but I could of easily bought more from her! Will be looking forward to see what you make in future with some of her things.
Snow I love it being born and raised in a cold climate. I know people have expensive heating bills but I still love the winter. It is so beautiful in Scotland where my Ronald is from. The snows are beautiful and the villages are all as if set back in time. He keeps aying he wants to go home..maybe one day?
Cheer up just feel sorry for her as she has problems Im sure. You are lovely Malin! ox
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