I just have to share this with you! Today I saw the first lesson/vlog in a coming series by my friend Barbara Bechtel. On the blog Love My Art Jewelry she will be sharing her knowledge and personal tips on good ways to work with polymer clay. Lesson one promises a great great general approach by Barbara. And further more great stuff to come with lots of good hints and advice.
"You have to get inside the head/the mind of the material you work with. Like a psychologist or therapist."
(Quoted freely by me)
I love that. It is so true.
Here's the direct link to the post with Barbara's first lesson.
Besides making great tutorials Barbara makes the most wonderful work in polymer clay. Beads I personally can't resist to buy. And beads that I love to use in my own work. Barbara is a true original artist. She has created many new styles and concepts. Styles I have seen copied by other bead makers at times. But Barbara is the original. And if you are looking for top quality you don't have to look further.

It is a good idea to go check her shop Floridity on Etsy often, because she updates with new beads and new styles kind of irregularly. I was lucky to get my hands on all of these beauties above just the other day. Oh, I am greedy, I know ;-). Now I am impatiently waiting for them to arrive in my mail box. All the way from Florida, over the Atlantic ocean they will travel. And end up in one of my jewelry pieces in a not too far future. And hopefully finally be sitting on some cool person walking the streets of Stockholm. Isn't that a truly beautiful collaboration over boundaries?
And here's another little tip from me to you. I like to look into the section of what's already been sold in a shop on Etsy. Because there you can get an idea of more things that might be available again in the future. It's not always what you see for sale in the shop, at the current time, that will show you the full capability of that particular artist. It's likely that the most unique or awesome pieces of a bead artist will sell quickly, because there is a fair bunch of people out there who are just as obsessive about art beads as I am. ;-)
Finally, here are a few of my own pieces that include beads by Barbara.

All my best,
These are unique beads.Fine colors and original textures.Your pieces are also nice,the simplicity and minimalism create the clarity of form and this way perhaps-the sophisticated elegance.I admire this style,though it differs significantly from my beading ways.
I agree! Her video was great and I look forward to the next one! Your creations with her gorgeous beads are just beautiful!
Thank you for your kind words Malin! I'm getting to know your tastes quite well. When I was listing these particular bunches, I thought you might like them!
Barbara, you should see the grin on my face right now!
<3 <3 <3
Thanks for pointing it out - I might have missed it otherwise. I'll check out her tutorial tonight. I do love what you've done with her beads -- the new ones you're waiting for are particularly cool. I can't wait to see what you do with them :)
Thank you Malin for sharing this post. I have been wanting to learn more about polymer clay. I like the pieces you made using her beads.
I watched her vlog on the way home from work today om the bus - don't you love iPhones? :-) it is great, I agree. And you and Barbara are such a perfect match! I am so sad she doesn't do her owls or birdies anymore - they were my favourite, and totally 'me'. You make those facets work for you. They look lumpy and all wrong when I try! But I love them in your jewellery.
I'll have to go watch this video, I miss so much working full time, my time management is crazy! Thanks for sharing.
You have swooped up some great Barbara pieces, and have created some wonderful pieces with them also!~
I love your work. It is beautiful and unique.
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