Bead by Heather Powers of HumbleBeads. Placed on a long skirt of mine. I made it myself about ten years ago from a fabric I found in a sale basket in a fabric shop. That skirt is still one of my favourites and I still get compliments for it.
Now and then. Two continents. Different materials. But still the same feel. The colours. Of course I didn't think of that when I bought the bead from HumbleBeads. But now it's getting warmer and that skirt has come out from the cupboard. And the connection is obvious, don't you agree.
What is it that makes us fall for the same patterns again and again? I still haven't made a piece with that bead in. But soon maybe. I think probably a bracelet.

And check these ones out. Bead/pendant by Tracee Dock of Classic Bead. I bought it about a month ago. The fabric belongs to one of my summer tops bought 3 or 4 years ago here in Sweden, from a shop called Indiska. Would I wear that top with a necklace with that pendant? Probably not! But I love them both on their own. I think the pendant would look great in a necklace worn with a plain white shirt or blouse.
I must just say that I like this post very much. Keep up the good work. You are appreciated!
I love both pieces! regards Stefanie
What perfect matches! you think your subconscious was leading you to pick these beads?
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