
Tuesday 19 October 2010

I have copied Gaea!

I have participated in Gaeas challenge "Copy Me".
So this is what I made. I believe I have stayed rather true to the original, if I compare with what some of you others have done.
I got the idea almost immediately. To exchange the chain and the tag with a bent wire forming the words "dreams". And started scetching and then bending the wire.
Now you know why I HAD to buy an anvil recently.
If you look thouroughly at the pictures it is clear that at the first part of the bracelet I was a total rookie at hammering on wire, but that I gradually got better, and at the last letter I was a pro. :-)
Great fun it was! And I keep hammering whenever I get the chance.

Here is a list of some more people who has participated:


Unknown said...

So lovely and really creative! Congratulations, you've created a beautiful piece of art:)

steufel said...

Great interpretation - and I find hammering really, really relaxing;-)

Maneki said...

Gillar din tolkning -- så fiffigt att byta kedjan och "dröm"länken mot en gemensam del på det viset. :D

Att hamra är alltid kul. Jag gillar speciellt att "hamra mönster", så enkelt att få fina stukturer med bara en hammare (eller ev. nåt att lägga mellan hammare och metall).

Malin de Koning said...

Aha, det ska jag testa. Hamrar du på skivmaterial då? Har du stansar och sånt oxå? Jag är allt lite sugen på såna grejer. Jag vill kunna göra delar precis som jag vill ha dem. Man blir mkt friare då. Du är ju en verktygs"bög" har jag förstått. Har precis allt som går å ha ... :-) Men vad använder du för grejer att lägga emellan?

Ha det!

Rebecca said...

I love this Malin, of course! What a totally original idea - ironic to come from a project entitled 'Copy Me', eh?! Don't you just love Gaea's Mermaid beads? They are totally the best. x

And PS, I absolutely LOVE looking at you guys writing in Swedish. Language is so beautiful.

Yeli said...

I would have to say that yours is my favorite. I just love how you hammered the wire into dreams. I looked for a message focal, but it never crossed my mind to do it with wire. Good job!

Malin de Koning said...

Thank you sooooo much!

And I believe I love all of Gaeas beads.

Pretty Things said...

Oh wow, how creative with the wire! You did so great!

Unknown said...

Very original Mailin very!!
Really wonderful job you did!

mairedodd said...

very cool malin! i too recently got an anvil and i loove it!

TesoriTrovati said...

You channeled Alexander Calder on this one. I think that is so beautiful. I like this one the best. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy the day!

Amy F said...

that is so clever! love it!

Pepita said...

Absolutely lovely!

Michelle said...

What a great cuff! Thanks for sharing your "copy".
Bead Happy!

Heather Powers said...

That is so clever, I love how you created the word bangle - just awesome!