Oh the lustings, the cravings, the needs! The czech glass beads. I've taken pictures from all over the net and made some collages of the ones I particularly wish for.
Does anyone of you remember Radka? My neighbour, famous for being so wonderfully outrageous on several occasions.
Do you remember where she comes from?

Oh yes! She is from the Czech Republic. And she has offered to get me beads next time she goes there. This is part of my wish list you see here.

Please Radka, go and see your family again soon!

If I can't stand waiting until then I will have to solve my urges in another way.
Online bead shops with a good selection of Czech beads:
On Etsy:
I had a weak moment yesterday at Lima over some of this stuff. Usually I can fill up a cart and then walk away, but not yesterday. I hope the mailman delivers them quickly!
Oh yes! Let's be weak weak weak! I believe I will be weak too very soon. I'll talk to Radka tomorrow to see what can be arranged. I need my fix very soon.
Oh you devil you! Miss Malin, I cannot resist eye candy and you have provided that. I have some Czech beads but I think that I would swoon over and faint if I got my hands on pretties like these! Thank you especially for sharing the links. SO cool! I think they would look great with a certain polymer clay bezel creation ;-) (which, by the way is in the works for you!)
Enjoy the day,
Erin! I love being called "devil" by you. :-)
Oh love every last bead! Mango beads had a sale a bit ago and I picked up a few. Shipwreck is having a 30% off sale right now on Czech!
Oh wow, you've found some really amazing beads, haven't you?? I love those teal/green ones in the top collage and also, those amazing blue and white cathedral beads in the second one - awesome! Czech beads are pretty great.
Wow! That first group and that last group...LOVE! I think I need to do a little shopping - thanks for the links to those great Etsy shops!
I so love your picks, Malin! And thxs for sharing your sources! That might be an expensive surfing day:-)
Malin, I love these! Thanks for collecting such a lovely array and sharing them! I love that you shared some great places to shop, too!
What lovely beads! I reallu like using Czech firepolished beads but I have apparently missed a lot och other lovely bead out there :)
I think I will have to explore your bead shop links and pospone taking care of the dishes a little :D
Those are gorgeous! I can see why you want them :D
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