See that handsome man there peeking from behind the tree. It's Mark. Gosh I love him! He has been absolutely wonderful this whole period. Basically he's taken care of everything. I've not been well enough to do anything useful to do with all the preparations. Apart from decorating the tree with my children. And putting together some new ornaments of course. The children also makes new ornaments every year. I love to do things like that with them.
I got some really nice presents in form of beads. Have taken photos and will show you soon.
Tomorrow Mark is off in the morning to be at a shop when this sale starts. He's going to buy a new laptop for me. Apple Macintosh of course! The kids will get my current one. I hope to be making som Vlogging on the new one every now and then. Have some ideas ...
Later tomorrow me and the kids will also go into the city, and we will all meet up to do some other good shopping. So I better go to bed now ...
Nighty night,
God morgon Malin,
vilken vacker bildsamling du gjort (som vanligt)
och vackra ord därtill!
Du får hälsa till din gulliga man o dina barn från mig och jag hoppas ni får "lönande" utflykter under annandan
A Merry Christmas to you Malin! Thank you for your lovely comment on my page. I havent been able to get online, I wanted to another Christmas post but husband has been on PC for days reformatting it. Oh I love Scandinavian things. Thats wonderful you can go to England every year for Christmas. The UK is so beautiful. Living in Scotland with my Brit husband I loved it. Sometimes I wonder will we ever live there again? But then I would miss my kids in the US! Anyways.. Malin I hope you will be feeling better soon. Have a great time shopping tomorrow! ox
Merry xmas Malin!
Isn't it wonderful to have a peaceful holiday? Ours was just wonderful -- I even had the gift of a nap!
I love your photos! Thanks for sharing!
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