These large almond shaped beads I got about one and a half year ago, with the idea to make a long necklace out of them together with many different bright colours. Now I made a necklace with mainly red as the accent colour. Is it the christmas that makes me want to put red in all of my jewellery lately? No art beads in this one, but I made the clasp myself from a large nut bead.

Very creative and of course, beautiful!
Thank you Lori!
Very pretty. I love those silver almond beads :)
Malin nice! I love the almond appeal!
Awesome! I can feel the xmas spirit! Wish you a merry and blessed xmas!
Hej Malin,
tufft halsband i juletid :)
i dag fick jag mina röda sötvattenspärlor hm...känns lite det kanske blir ett smycke till i morgon?.....
hoppas ni får en skön avkopplande jul med mycket skratt!
Beautiful! I Love the hint of turquoise you've dropped in there- very retro with the white and red. I'm up to my eyes trying to make Christmas presents! Good fun though, I love it and as I am still poorly it is a welcome distraction from that. Have a very merry Christmas!
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