I have been struggling with that cube peyote bracelet and the button clasp for a few days now. The one I asked for advice for in my previous post. Have tried 2 versions of metal hook, which I by the way made both myself from wire and the look really good if I may say so myself.
But the hook didn't work so well for me, so now I will look into some of the other suggestions I got from you.

And Mary Harding has posted about a bracelet in peyote and a shank button clasp. She had the sides overlapping so no skin will show. I am gonna look into that, although I am afraid it might become a bit thick with 4 mm cubes. I will let yoyu know when I have completed it, and show you.
So ... and I also have a few other semi-finished projects on my desktop. Will take photos tomorrow or day after. I AM gonna fullfill my task of "one-a-day"! I am just a little behind at the moment. Have been feeling rather bad from the MS the last few days, and that steals a lot of energy from me.

What better way of cheering oneself up when a little down than doing some BEAD SHOPPING! All the photos in this post are of beads I purchased yesterday and now am waiting for to arrive in my mail. Am I happy about these purchases or what? Are you envious? I would be!
From top to bottom - all on ETSY:
Sedona spacers, lampworked, from Loupiac.
Pomegranate Seed Beads, lampworked, by BoulderGlassMonkey.
Large Hoops, Silver Circles, lampworked, by OutWest.
Wooden Carved vintage beads, from MissUFO.
Blue round fruit nut pit, Indonesia, from YukiDesigns.
Buttons, carved coconut, Indonesia, from YukiDesigns.
Sig-id wood tubes, Philippines, from YukiDesigns.
Discs/tubes, Tiger Ebony aka Camagong wood, from YukiDesigns.
Vilka mumsiga färger i de där första pärlorna. Ja, nu kommer jag att vara lite avundsjuk på dig för dem. ;)
Hoppas du snart mår bättre så du får tillbaks energin o kan pärla.
Ja visst är de härliga! Det är liksiom flera nivåer av färg också. Jag har haft mina ögon på dem i flera veckor. Och ingen annan har köpt dem före mej! Yipppie!!!!
Sitter och pärlar nu faktiskt! Framför datorn ...
Igår kollade jag in kartan du har gjort på pärlbutiker i Sverige. Wow! Du är så underbart ambitiös och "nördig" på nåt sätt. Samlar fakta och information samt redovisar strukturerat och lättfattligt. Jag har sån nytta av din blog! Vill skicka dej en kram faktiskt.
My, my - gorgeous beads. I'm indeed a little bit envious.The Pomegranate Seed Beads are to die for. regards Stefanie
i do hope that you feel better... those beads are sure to cheer you up! they are all so beautiful... the first set is incredibly gorgeous!
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