These are the beads in the give away. 100 beads and more. Art beads, gemstones, glass, ceramic, czech, resin, leather button, facetted, round, square and more. Take a chance, write a comment (see green text at the bottom of this post), spread the info about this give-away, become a follower unless you already are one. Drawing will be with a random number generator on Wednesday 21.00 Swedish time (GMT+1).

I've reached 100 followers on my blog!!!!!
I can't believe it. Thank you all of you who are interested in what I have to say, the things I do and what I like. When I started this blog almost a year ago it was from a suggestion by my husband, as a way of showing my jewellery to people who might be interested (and in the end it would hopefully help generating more business, he IS clever isn't he).
The plan/idea behind it has always been very simple:
It is a blog about my jewellery and beading. I show things I have made, things I am working on, ideas and things that inspire me. More imagery than writing. Short texts. Rather frequent updates, at least once a week, but preferably three to four times a week.
I am most often sponanteous about my posts. Don't plan them ahead and my writing style is direct (and therefor sometimes you see bad grammatics or miss-spelling, but I have decided to not worry too much about that).
I want this to be a place like one I would like to visit myself. A fresh mix of this and that, high and low, personal but not private, generous with links and tips (when I have any ...). Visually attractive. I go to other blogs and see wonderful layouts and usage of exciting templates, look at for instance Songbeads or FancifulDevices, and I sometimes think I want to do something similar, coz it makes me happy. But then I realize it just isn't me really. I am after all an Industrial Designer deep down. It became very obvious to me recently when I did the pictures for ABS January challenge, where I added text on the sides, mainly in order to make the actual image square coz it shows up a lot nicer in the post then. In my eyes it looks so typical "industrial design" with a bit of informative text added. And yes, I do like it. It improves my experience when I see things like that.
I don't know though if my jewellery style is clean and informative. I don't think so. I don't even know if I have a style as such. Would be nice to hear what you think. And I would also like to hear which kind of posts you like most, and if there is anything you would like to see more of or less of. Shower me in feedback!!!!!!
It might pay back even. By leaving a feedback comment you will enter my Celebration Give-away for 100 followers. I will put together 100 beads from my own stash. Give me a couple of days to get back and show you a photo of them. And I will use a random number generator to draw the winner. Let's say on Wednesday next week. Please leave a comment even if you happen to not be interested in winning the beads, (I know I have some none-beader followers out there). It means so much to get feedback!
All my best,
I have marked in green the text which is about what you need to do to enter the give-away.
congratulations to you! 100 followers! yeah!
Thank you Courtney! It IS big for me. Don't you wanna enter the give-away? Please write some feedback!
Congrats - love your blog. Your style is extravagant and vibrant and I loved your studio tour. Keep going - I'm always happy to visit you.
OK Steufel, You're definately in the draw :-) Thanks for the kind words!
I love your blog. Even though I'm a fairly new reader, it's one of the few I subscribe to that I make sure to read every time.
Your photos are good -- I had to go back and look at the industrial photo/text thing. You're right about that, and I think it makes your photos look more professional that way, like I'm looking through some modern design catalog.
I also appreciated the video tour. I'm always extremely curious & envious to see other beaders' studios. I have an embarrassingly small corner of the living room, and not nearly enough beads.
Congrats on your 100 followers!
I do think you have a style, and it IS clean, and contemporary. Not what you see from everybody else, which is something to be proud of!
Erin S
Congrats Malin! How exciting! Yes, I like mostly pictures and brief text. I like your contemporary style and use of fibers and color.
Congratulations! I like your style! Keep on beading and writing, we love it.
The thing that impresses me about your blog is your sincerity!
I, too, enjoy your blog because I feel you're just being yourself and that's what makes it wonderful. I enjoyed taking a look at your workspace because mine is a pathetically small table that also serves as a desk where I do my homework the majority of the year!
Thank you sooo much for all kind comments!
håller med
du är DU !!!!!
och det är underbart
och dina smycken och bilder är fantastiskt fina
som jag sagt innan du har en väldigt proffsig och samtidigt personlig+ generös ! blog
Grattis till dom 100!!!
Grattis till dina 101 bloggföljare! :D
Det där med egen stil, ja, det är väl en sån där typisk sak som alla andra upptäcker före en själv. Det är andra som känner igen de där speciella kännetecknen och "signaturerna" som man inte själv ser för det kommer av sig själv, inifrån.
Även när jag själv upplevde min egen "stil" som väldigt spretande kunde andra, som känner mig, säga att de kände igen ett visst smycke som mitt utan att jag behövde säg det för där var nåt i det som de kände igen som mig även om jag inte själv kunde se just de aspekterna. Eftersom de ser smyckena utifrån och jag ser dem inifrån -- om jag inte försöker analysera på så så sätt skapa ett utifrånperspektiv.
Men feedback var det, ja. Jag gillar dina blogg. Dina foton är snygga och tilltalet är trevligt, personligt. Innehållet är varierat och jag gillar inte minst när du skriver om pärlor och andra saker du önskar dig eller har köpt. Alltid kul att se något man kanske inte hittat själv.
Hi Malin! I think your style has really developed so much since I started reading your blog early last year and you have a really distinctive style now - quite earthy material-wise, you use lots of silks and organic beads, I love that you often have multiple things going on (strands and stuff) and also I love that despite all the organic elements you aren't afraid to use colour! It's definitely contemporary, stylish jewellery. I am always excited to see what you have made. Your blog style is clean and contemporary too - I love how you laid out your photos for the ABS challenge pieces. I wouldn't know how to start, I'm so hopeless with technology! I really admire all you computer-savvy folks out there. I also love your blog - like the others say, it seems like you are just being yourself - it's so genuine - and I love your spontaneity and I loved your vlog - but like I said, it's partyly because I'm so nosy!! Keep going - this is a lovely space to be in!
You have a lovely style. How wonderful to have 100 followers. Keep going down your own road.
Congrats on hitting the three digit level! I'm still working on that myself. Much luck as you continue to move forward.
WOW! Congrats
This is good! A BIG Congrats Malin! (Sorry I missed this post) Your styles quite unique btw! ox
Your Giveaway is Wonderful! And the Colours I LOVE them! Im going to Blog about this too.
Janet ox
Thank you Janet!
I am very keen on the colorscheme myself.
It turned out a very nice soup if I may say it myself ... :-)
congratulations on hitting 100!!! please enter me in your give away!
I think your jewelry is whimsical, and full of color and texture. Lovely!!!
What a generous giveaway! I hope I win!!!
And by the way, I just became a follower. Congratulations on 100 followers and still counting!
Hi Malin,
I think your jewellery is creative. It is refreshing, actually.
About your blog, I just joined recently and haven't had the time to read all your posts, but once I get the chance I will get back at you on that.
Keep going! It is so exciting when you achieve things!!
Best of luck.
Oh my gosh Malin I just found your blog and WOW! I love the jewelry you make and the presentation of it. You have a great style of mixing a lot of media and it turns out fantastic. I think the best thing I can say is to stay true to yourself and you will be better for it. I know I am better for Janet telling me about you!
Ganska ny följare av din blog så jag har inte hunnit med att läsa och titta så mkt ännu.
Men av det jag sett så tycker jag att du har fina foton, lagom mycket text (jag är en sån som i första hand tittar på bilderna) :-)
Sen är det roligt att se om nya pärlor och saker, även att kika på de blogar du följer.
Hi Malin! Congrats on the 100th! May there be hundred more. I am closing in on a huge milestone myself and hope to have a big giveaway when that happens.
I think your style is fresh and charming. I love hearing about your inspirations and seeing the process that goes into any artist's creativity. I would say to keep doing what you are doing, because it is obviously bringing followers to you! And I love to see your work on the ABS.
Enjoy the day!
Ah Malin,
Where do I begin? I really just discovered your blog. I find it to be a very honest and openly creative space. Maybe it's because you are honest and open and refreshingly creative. I really appreciate your work as I do your friend Mary's.
Industrial design background? Hmmmm?
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